Beef Dish Kalimantan
Origin: West Kalimantan Province
- 500 g beef (Minute Steak or Sirloin Steak)
- 6 pc shallots
- 4 gloves garlic
- 6 pc large red chillies, de-seeded
- 2 cm ginger, thinly sliced
- 2 cm galingale, thinly sliced
- 1 stem lemon grass, outer leave discard, thinly sliced
- 2 cm fresh turmeric, roasted or 1 tsp turmeric powder
- 400 ml hot water
- salt or to taste
- sugar to taste
- 2 tsp oil

Beef Dish From West Kalimantan
Here it is the typical cuisine of West Kalimantan Province: Pindang Daging Masrani. It was said, this recipe is brought by the Portuguese, who are Christians or in Indonesia called "Nasrani". A word Masrani & Nasrani, they both do have similarity, don't they??! Perhaps our colleagues from West Kalimantan Province can explain more detail about the origin of this name.Tipp: If possible use minutesteak. This sort of meat is tender and able to absorb the spices very well.If preferred you can also use fish as mainly ingredient. This dish called : Pindang Ikan Masrani.

- Slice the beef into about 1 cm thick, the shape depends on your taste.
- Slice the shallots, garlic, chillies thinly. If roasted ground turmeric is used: Put in a mortar/grinding stone and grind until smooth.
- Heat 2 tbsp oil in a frying pan or a wok and stir fry all the spices. Stirring all the time until fragrant.
- Add the sliced beef. Stir fry until the beef becomes harder / half cooked.
- Add the hot water ***. Adjust the seasoning. Add the salt & sugar to taste. *** Add the hot water into the meat then cook on the medium heat to preserve it's best taste.
- Adjust the heat into medium and simmer until the beef well cooked.

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Endang SW Lestari