Beef Soup Jakarta Style
Origin: Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia
- 250 g noodle, boil in hot water till al dente
- 500 g beef /brisket, diced
- 1 pc lime, save the juice
- 2 stem lemon grass, outer leaves discarded, bruished
- 2 cm fresh ginger, thinly sliced or bruished
- 2 tsp beef broth powder
- 2 l water
Spice for the paste
- 8 pc shallots, chopped
- 4 gloves garlic, chopped
- 3 pc candlenuts, roughly chopped (optional)
- 1 tsp pepper
- 2 tsp sugar or to taste
- 2 tsp salt or to taste
- fried vegetable spring rolls (optional, if available)
- cabbage, shredded or lettuce leaves, finely sliced
- bean sprouts, the brown-ends discarded
- 2 pc spring onions, cut in 1 cm long
- flat parsley, chopped
- 2 pc tomatoes, quartered
- 1 pc lime, sliced
- crispy fried shallots
- Indonesian sweet soya sauce / Kecap Manis (if preferred)
Sambal, if preferred
- 10 pc small red chillies / bird chillies, boiled & pounded
- 50 ml soup
- salt to taste

Beef Soup Jakarta Style
There are many different varieties of Indonesian beef soups, many of them contains coconut milk, some of them without it. The second variant we call it "clear soup".A famous variant amongs those clear soups is "Soto Mi". Originated in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, this dish is famous as "Soto Mi Betawi". Betawi people or Betawis (Orang Betawi in Indonesian, meaning "people of Batavia") are an ethnic group native to the city of Jakarta and its outskirts, as such often described as the native inhabitants of the city. "Batavia" is the colonial name of Jakarta which's given by the Dutch from the 17th century onwards.What about the taste??!! Hmmmmm….It's simply healthy delicious soup. Just try and let me know the outcome 😉

- Prepare all ingreadients for the seasoning paste. Cut in sammler pieces if necesarry.
- Put all ingredients for the spice paste in grinding stone or wet mill and grind/blend until smooth. (If necessery add a little bit oil in the food processor to help the blending process).
- Grind the pepper with grinding stone and pestle.
- Heat 2 tbsp oil in a frying pan. Add the paste and lemon grass.
- Stir-fry the paste all the time until fragrant & well cooked. (about 3-5 mins)
- Pour in 2 liter water in a deep saucepan, add sliced ginger, beef broth & fried seasoning paste.
- Add the beef & bring over medium heat to boil.
- Once the beef stock is boiled, adjust the heat into medium and simmer until the beef getting tender & well cooked for approx. 30-40 minutes. (If necessary skim off and discard the fat that floats to the water surface). Adjust the taste, add salt & sugar if necessary.
- Soak or quickly cook noodle/egg noodle in boiled water, referring to cooking instruction until al dente. Set aside to drain.
- Prepare all the condiment and garnish ingredients.
- All ingredients for Beef Soup Jakarta Style are ready.
- Serving Method: Put the noodle and beef in a individual serving bowl. Garnish with cabbage/lettuce, bean sprout then ladle with the hot soup.
- Sprinkle with parsley, spring onions & crispy fried onions. Serve with fried spring rolls & sambal rawit if you like it spicy. Add kecap manis if you like it little bit sweet.

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Endang SW Lestari