Indonesian Fried Tempeh
Origin: Java Island
- 500 g tempeh, thinly sliced in 1 cm x 3 cm length
- 2 pc large red chillies, de-seeded, thinly sliced
- 2 pc salam leaves or bay leaves as subtitute
- 2 pc kaffir lime leaves, thinly sliced
- 75 ml water
- 50 ml oil
Spice for the paste
- 2 gloves garlic, chopped
- 2 cm galangale, peeled off, chopped
- 1 tsp tamarind pulp
- 50 g palm sugar, shredded
- 1 tsp salt

Indonesian Fried Tempeh
I've learnt this recipe from my grandmother who loves to spend almost her life in the kitchen ;-). Compare to common recipes of Spiced Fried Tempeh, here is little bit different. My grandmother always put sliced kaffir-lime leaves on it, as she said to obtain the best taste and aroma. And I assure you she was right!! ;-).Tips: Please use the fresh and good quality Tempeh to get the best result.For you who don't like spicy dishes, don't worry, this fried tempeh is not spicy at all because we use only de-seeded large red chillies not the small spicy ones.

- Heat 50 oil in a fryingpan, deep-fry the tempe until gold brown. Set aside to drain.
- Fry the sliced chillies in the used oil. Put aside.
- Put all ingredients for the paste in blender or mortar and blend/grind until smooth.
- Heat 2 tbsp of remaining oil in a fryingpan, saute the paste until fragrant.
- Add the salam leaves & sliced kaffir-lime leaves.
- Add the water, stir to mix. Bring to boil and continue cooking until the mixture becomes thick. Adjust the heat into low.
- Add in the fried tempeh & chillis. Stir to mix. Remove from heat.
- Adding chillies.
- Garnish with fried shallot/onion. Serve hot or cold.

popular Indonesian recipes
“Thank You for visiting my site. I won’t bother you with my life stories LOL :-D. Just get the recipe, have fun while cooking and enjoy your meal!”
Endang SW Lestari